First Post

I've wanted, for a while, to convert my front page to a blog format, so here it is! My main concern was keeping the icon links to the different sections of the site so i figured it out and got everything laid out nicely. Now the only problem is that i'll be posting more often!

I also added a link to the WIKI that's been growing behind the scenes; it's time to reveal its little self to the world.

The reason i wanted to convert to a blog format was because i didn't want to always hop into dreamweaver every time i wanted to post something. And if i'm at work and want to post something, forget it - it's too much of a hassle. But with a blog it's nice and simple.

Rhaluka and i spent some time in San Francisco today walking along Embarcadero and eating at Houston's (*amazing*). It was a great time and we'll be getting back to the city to visit more places as often as we can!

We also went to a Christmas party that my boys had at their house on Saturday. They had a really fun White Elephant Gift exchange game where everyone had to bring a gift, get assigned a number, then from the last to the first number someone would either pick a gift from under the tree or steal one of the gifts that someone else already got. It was pretty fun and when my turn came around I stole a Jackie the Jokeman joke-telling toy.

Unfortunately it was a kid version. GRRRRWWWWOOOOOAAAAAA! :)